Tag Archives: fave photographer

Fave Photographer of the Month March ’15

It’s been a while since we wrote about a fave photographer, but we’ve got a good one this time. One that viagra generic 100mg absolutely everyone can relate to. One which truly reinforces our saying “It’s not about the camera man, it’s about the cameraman”. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you … David Ruiz Luna.

Fave Photographer of the Month August ’14

In t his episode of ‘Fave Photographer of the Month’  we, once again, bring you someone who is quite possibly not from this planet. His colours, vibrant; his lighting, viagra on sale precise. The interesting poses, backdrops and composition all come cheap levitra pills together to create one, perfect picture. Ladies and gentlemen, this month’s fave photographer is … Marvin Joseph. Hailing from Sydney, Australia but now living in New online prescription for levitra us York. Marvin has gone levitra wholesale los angeles from strength-to-strength. This has recently seen him delve into motion canadian pharmacy viagra generic pictures and film direction. Having worked with Marvin previously, there’s an element about him that most creative geniuses have. Whilst in his […]

Fave Photographer of the Month Feb ’14

This month’s fave photographer is unlike our previous choices. However, it is a project This is one of the most reasonable priced products I have seen, and I trust online canadian pharmacy: cheap levitra pills. Our company is a professionally managed distributor levitra directions for use of generic drugs. which we believe is a MUST see for everyone. “Before They Pass Away” is a long-term project by Jimmy Nelson. He traveled the uk propecia world for 3 years and spent 2 weeks living with over 30 of the most remote tribes in the worlds. Verging on extinction, he captures the way xenical canada they live, laugh and survive.  The purity of one day cialis humanity exists. It is there in the mountains, the ice fields, the effect of cialis on women jungle, along the rivers and in the valleys. Jimmy Nelson found the last tribesmen and observed […]

Fave photographer of the month July ’13

Abandoned School cialis online ordering by Leszek Wasiolka  Urban photography has always mesmerised me. Finding deserted locations with vast amounts of character is, not only hard but, an execution of patience. Our fave photographer this month has found some abandoned beauties … Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Leszek Wasiolka.

Fave Photographer of the Month June ’13

My world, my frame, my thoughts by Caras Ionut Crossing photography and visual art is always a match made in heaven, the final product is only limited to the imagination of the artist. Our fave photographer this month, perfectly combines both to create images that are storytelling in nature.

Fave Photographer of the Month April ’13

Antelope Canyon by Eddie Lluisma  Each of his shots are mesmerising and whimsical. Just by looking at them for too long, you can find yourself becoming lost and immersed into the landscape.