Tag Archives: fave of the month

Fave Photographer of the Month March ’15

It’s been a while since we wrote about a fave photographer, but we’ve got a good one this time. One that absolutely everyone can relate to. One which truly reinforces our saying “It’s not about the camera man, it’s about the cameraman”. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you … David Ruiz Luna.

Fave Photographer of the Month August ’14

In t his episode of ‘Fave Photographer of the Month’  we, once again, bring you someone who is quite possibly not from this planet. His colours, vibrant; his lighting, precise. The interesting poses, backdrops and composition all come together to create one, perfect picture. Ladies and gentlemen, this month’s fave photographer is … Marvin Joseph. Hailing from Sydney, Australia but now living in New York. Marvin has gone from strength-to-strength. This has recently seen him delve into motion pictures and film direction. Having worked with Marvin previously, there’s an element about him that most creative geniuses have. Whilst in his […]

Fave Photographer of the Month Feb ’14

This month’s fave photographer is unlike our previous choices. However, it is a project which we believe is a MUST see for everyone. “Before They Pass Away” is a long-term project by Jimmy Nelson. He traveled the world for 3 years and spent 2 weeks living with over 30 of the most remote tribes in the worlds. Verging on extinction, he captures the way they live, laugh and survive.  The purity of humanity exists. It is there in the mountains, the ice fields, the jungle, along the rivers and in the valleys. Jimmy Nelson found the last tribesmen and observed […]

Fave Photographer of the Month Dec ’13

Way to Paradise by Kilian Schönberger  The landscape photography style takes our fave of the month once again and, it will probably dominate these posts more often than not. Ladies and gentlemen, this month’s fave is Kilian Schönberger

Fave Photographer of the Month Nov ’13

Dressing II by Emanuele Ferrari  This month we delve into the realm of models once again. Captured in a raw, natural style encouraging vast character with each shot. Ladies and gentlemen, this month’s fave photographer is Emanuele Ferrari.

Fave Photographer of the Month Aug ’13

Marie Antoinette “The Extravagent Queen” This month we choose someone hailing from Australia. An award winning Fine Art Photographer and Digital Artist, whose work, ideas and execution are mind blowingly, breathtaking. Ladies and gentlemen, this months Fave Photographer is Alexia Sinclair.

Fave Photographer of the Month April ’13

Antelope Canyon by Eddie Lluisma  Each of his shots are mesmerising and whimsical. Just by looking at them for too long, you can find yourself becoming lost and immersed into the landscape.

Fave Photographer of the Month Dec ’12

  Devine Music by Nico VB This month we feature a photographer, intent on telling magical, historical stories in one encapsulating photo. He has traveled the world to find dark, desolate, lost and forgotten locations and memories.

Fave Photographer of the Month Nov ’11

Even though I may seem biased toward this month’s Fave Photographer because he is a friend of mine, there is no doubt that his talent continually amazes me. I’ve been waiting to post about his work for a while so, here we go. Ladies and gentleman, introducing … Alex Lambrechts.