Fave Photographer of the Month Nov ’11
Even though I may seem biased toward this month’s Fave Photographer because he is a friend of mine, there is no doubt that his talent continually 10mg cialis amazes me. I’ve been waiting to post about his work for a while so, here we go.
Ladies and gentleman, introducing … Alex Lambrechts.
I first met Alex many years ago in Sydney when cialis online sales he was managing nightclubs in Sydney. A super talented, super nice human with a background story that is well viagra no rx worth the read. Check it out yourself here. However, it’s his photography background and prowess that captured the interest of 36moments. Both his parents owned photographic labs when he was youngen, this led him to consume a vast amount of knowledge regarding the industry which he now viagra mexico thrives in. This knowledge and talent has led him to become one of the official “Fuji X-Photographers“.
His work always puts a smile on my face, always amazes me and is www.viagra.com truly worthy of aspiration. Covering https://furnika.com.pl/levitra-tab-20mg/ catalogue campaigns, model shoots, bands, artists, reportage and social. It’s these latter two that got me hooked on Alex’s work and by all means, I strongly recommend you take a look at his online portfolio.
He’s one of my aspirations, let’s hope he can tickle the fire in your photographer within.
We managed to ask him our 3 questions and, he was kind enough to answer them … even though he was on his honeymoon 🙂
Alex, love your work and next time we bump into each other, the absinthe is on me (just like old times).
1. If you could shoot anyone or levitra sales online any place, who or where would you choose?
I’d love to shoot Fidel Castro in Cuba at his old presidential desk of course!
2. We have a saying at 36Moments, “It’s not about the camera man, it’s about the Cameraman” … Do you agree?
The camera really has uk propecia nothing to do with capturing great images that impact the viewer.
3. What cheap cialis super active preparation do you do before a shoot? Do you levitra online sale picture certain shots in your head beforehand or just go-with-the-flow?
I always try to shoot intuitively, many times I don’t know why I shot something a certain way, but later levitra generico pagamento visa see something special in it, intuition is crucial to me I try to lose myself in the scene and the moment.
you’ve just been blogged by Ronnie D.
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