Vintage Camera Lenses – a cheap but great alternative

Lenses, the never ending story … and quite an expensive story. However, it doesn’t actually need to be a burden on your wallet. All you gotta do is cost of levitra without a prescription think old skool because (and excuse my bad joke coming up) olds kool. Like Edgar Allen Poe vs Stephen King OR Bram Stoker vs whoever wrote those Twilight comics … the vintage dudes were always better.

My research into old lenses began when I was desperately looking for additional lenses, seeing the prices of the cost of levitra without a prescription ones which I wanted just made me upset. Then I came across an article about vintage lenses and why not to discredit or overlook them. Diving further deeper cialis pills into this research, viewing many sample and comparative photos, I decided to give it a go. Before I tell you what I think, many other photographers who have taken this route seem to all get the same vintage lenses … the trilogy of lenses … the “Red Trio” … the “Russian Party”. And here they are:


MIR 24


Jupiter 9

Jupiter 9

They are all Zeiss copies, yes Carl Zeiss copies AND they were made in the same factory so the build quality and image quality is second to none. So, I went out and bought the Helios 44M (58mm) and the MIR 24M (35mm) and I picked them up from my fave EBay guy Artem for $40 and $125 respectively. I have them coupled with the Haoda lens adapter on my Canon. My verdict … these things kick so much ass it’s hard to believe people over look them. The image quality, crystal clear and depth of field is superb. Even shots taken from a distance, where the subject is about 10m away, levitra in der schweiz are still clear.

The downside (or upside depending on what you like) to these puppies, is they are full manual buy female viagra lenses. There is a manual aperture ring and it’s manual focus. So for those of you who are Auto addicts, it’s time to step up and get old skool. If you get an adapter with AF (Auto Focus) Confirmation, then the camera will still be able to tell you when the subject is in focus even though you will be focusing manually. Having said all this, getting these lenses forced me into using my camera in full manual mode … and now I choose nothing levitra generic india safe else but manual mode. It’s a steep learning curve and the best way to do it, is to jump in the deep end and play around with it yourself.

Here’s an example of a shot taken with the Helios 44M:


And now one with the MIR 24M:

you’ve just been blogged by Ronnie D

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