Tag Archives: debaser

Klubb Lottarox with Summerheart and Vanbot

So, last Friday at Debaser Strand we joined in viagra sales with our friends from Klubb Lottarox to hangout and shoot cialis on line some photos of the two bands booked for the night. First off Vanbot, a brilliant female popartist, soon to release low cost canadian viagra her second album. Then on stage was Summer Heart, a musician from Gothenburg who is a pro at creating relaxed and dreamy music that you still can’t stop yourself from dancing to.  Dj’s along the night was Havsljud and Heart/Dancer. Find out buy generic no online prescription viagra more about coming events at @klubblottarox on Instagram and Facebook.   You’ve just been blogged by Olof!

Kate Boy at Debaser Strand

So, last Saturday we headed down to Debaser Strand generica viagra to check out Kate Boy. An electro/pop group of three, two boys on drums and pads from Stockholm and viagra for her then the singer, Kate, originaly from Australia. They released their first singel in 2012, and have traveled the world since.