36 Moments http://36moments.photography Welcome to 36moments Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:40:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64074391 Klubb Lottarox with Summerheart and Vanbot http://36moments.photography/klubb-lottarox-with-summerheart-and-vanbot/ http://36moments.photography/klubb-lottarox-with-summerheart-and-vanbot/#respond Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:28:23 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9863 So, last Friday at Debaser Strand we joined in order discount cialis online with our friends from Klubb Lottarox to hangout and shoot some photos of the two bands booked for the night. First off Vanbot, a brilliant female popartist, soon to release https://bugallon.gov.ph/2021/09/14/levitra-overdose/ her second album. Then on stage was Summer Heart, a musician from Gothenburg who is a pro at creating relaxed and dreamy music that you still can’t stop yourself from dancing to.  Dj’s along the night was Havsljud and Heart/Dancer. Find out more about coming events at @klubblottarox on Instagram and levitra perscription Facebook.   You’ve just been blogged by Olof!

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Say Lou Lou at Debaser Medis http://36moments.photography/say-lou-lou-at-debaser-medis/ http://36moments.photography/say-lou-lou-at-debaser-medis/#respond Wed, 01 Apr 2015 13:41:43 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9850 So Friday, we went healthcare canadian pharmacy down to Debase Medis to check out the Swedish duo Say Lou Lou that just start their tour. The Aus/Swe twins have a coveted debutalbum coming in april, an album the fans have longed for sense their first singel in 2012. A packed debaser filled with energy cialis delivery in 5 days or less and love was what the sisters brought to us. Also, an extra high five for the surprising french horn that pop up in the middle of the show. A few classic instrument influences is always a plus 😉 Hope you enjoy! You’ve just been blogged by Olof!          

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dBrand Autumn Collection http://36moments.photography/dbrand-autumn-collection/ http://36moments.photography/dbrand-autumn-collection/#respond Fri, 20 Mar 2015 11:34:56 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9810 During the week we were invited to the unveiling of dBrand’s autumn fashion collection. They held the event / party at the Volvo levitra mastercard europe showroom in Kungstragarden, Stockholm. We just captured some candid pics of the attendees and the viagra usa good times. It’s always fun working with the dBrand guys, down-to-earth and all-round kool dudes. you’ve just been blogged by Ronnie D

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Andreas Moe at Debaser Medis http://36moments.photography/andreas-moe-at-debaser-medis/ http://36moments.photography/andreas-moe-at-debaser-medis/#respond Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:38:46 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9790 A few weeks ago we headed down to viagra online in usa Debaser Medis in Stockholm to check out Andreas Moe, a Swedish singer songwriter and pop artist. Just last year he was the support act https://36moments.photography/levitra-non-prescription/ to John Mayer in London and here in Sweden. Now he just started levitra purchase his tour around in Europe together with Kodaline. So great that they were able effect of cialis on women to do a show here in Stockholm before they hit the road. Stay tuned for the photos of Kodaline that will pop up during the week! And a special thanks to friend Paavo that came along and snapped a few photos in the set as well. Hope […]

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Fave Photographer of the Month March ’15 http://36moments.photography/fave-photographer-of-the-month-march-15/ http://36moments.photography/fave-photographer-of-the-month-march-15/#respond Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:02:00 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9781 It’s been a while since we wrote about a fave photographer, but we’ve got a good one this time. One that absolutely everyone can relate to. One which truly reinforces our saying “It’s not about the camera man, it’s about the cameraman”. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you … David Ruiz Luna.    We all love to travel, we all love to capture the memories and sites when we travel. The interesting cultures, the breathtaking views, the locals doing their everyday thing. David has an eye for these things. It may look like a simple photo but there’s more to it […]

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Kate Boy at Debaser Strand http://36moments.photography/kate-boy-debaser-strand/ http://36moments.photography/kate-boy-debaser-strand/#respond Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:39:44 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9755 So, last Saturday we headed down to Debaser Strand to check out Kate Boy. An electro/pop group of three, two boys on drums and pads from Stockholm and then the singer, Kate, originaly from Australia. They released their first singel in 2012, and have traveled the world since. It’s mad to have these guys back in town and finally get to see them live. Such a heavy and well performed gig, and a hit in the face start of the night. With their song Northen Lights, you just can’t stop yourself from giving zero fucks about cold, gray winter nights and hangovers. Travel to Kate Boy website Also a shout out to […]

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Scheffau, Austria http://36moments.photography/scheffau-austria/ http://36moments.photography/scheffau-austria/#respond Fri, 16 Jan 2015 08:02:07 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9711 Last week, we took a trip to Scheffau, Austria for a little ski / snowboarding getaway. Set in the alps and lying at the foot of the Wilder Kaiser, Scheffau is part of the biggest, inter-connected ski resort in the world. The best bang-for-your-buck they say. A beautiful backdrop, coupled with great weather, it was an awesome week carving up snow and of course some major stacks! We took a day off mid-week to capture some moments on and off the mountain. Even managed to get some dog-sledding in there too, something we’ve always wanted to experience. Be sure to […]

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Noisey Off with Amason http://36moments.photography/noisey-off-amason/ http://36moments.photography/noisey-off-amason/#respond Sat, 03 Jan 2015 12:03:04 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9672 In December, we went along with our friends from Vice to a secret live gig at an apartment in Old Town, Stockholm. About a 100 fun peeps were there, hanging out, enjoying the free drinks and watching the view of a winter city from the balcony on 6th floor. Malin from Y+M stood by the dj-booth , and when the time was right the doors opened up to an other room to where Amason was set up. An awesome intimate live performance I late will forget. Amason started off in 2012 and they have already played at a few of the biggest nordic festivals and was this year nominated for […]

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100SONGS HIPHOP @ KÅKEN http://36moments.photography/100songs-hiphop-kaken/ http://36moments.photography/100songs-hiphop-kaken/#respond Wed, 10 Dec 2014 22:11:15 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9639 Saturday, 100SONGS brought us along to a full on Hiphop night at Kåken, in Stockholm. Live on stage were artists Odin The Beyonder, Sounds Like Moving & Americol. And besides the live acts DJ Proseccopapi kept the crowd jumping with mad beats… If you like hiphop then this is artists you want to look up: Odin The Beyonder Sounds Like Moving Americol Don’t miss out on 100Songs! And special thanks to friend and drummer Paavo for joining in and shooting some photos with us along the night 🙂 You’ve just been blogged by Olof!

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Fume #2 Live http://36moments.photography/fume-2-live/ http://36moments.photography/fume-2-live/#respond Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:25:30 +0000 http://36moments.photography/?p=9599 Future Unsigned Music Expo is a showcase oraganized by music and event organizer students from Campus Nyköping. A night with 9 upcoming bands performing live at Obaren in stockholm. This is the second year they bring this together. A few students take care of the planing of the event and the others brings in bands that they believe in to promote. The job of getting together a showcase with 9 live acts over 2hrs is not an easy task, but it all came togheter nice and smooth with a lots of joy and promising artists. A mix of rock, hiphop and more sensitive […]

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