Category Archives: Our Stories

Face Hunter @ Ljunggrens

Just before The Stockholm Fashion Week begun we met the streetstyle and fashion blogger Yvan Rodic at Ljunggrens…

Complete Dance Crew – In the making of Siri

This is The Complete Dance Crew…

In Search of The Classic Street Elliott Erwitt Shot

As I stay awake boggled from shooting the rough sections in Naples and wondering why the closeness I encountered with people is integrated with new social media technology. The dream of shooting a classic is all but faded away behind smart phones and ultra light ski jackets, and sleek looking Robo-tech Vespa motor scooters. To see the classics you really have to get under the skin of your expectations before becoming judge and jury on your efforts. Nothing stays the same. All rules begin to bend and and make you cross eyed while looking into your view finder as you […]

Nothing but The Bare Facts

When pictures seem to talk to you, you get that urge to go for it. Everything about the shot seems to be in there. You might want to ask yourself this one question as you get drawn in just before you press the shutter button. Is there a juxtaposition working to make the story.