Tag Archives: fuji xe1

Vanessa Lopez

A few weekends ago, cialis 20m we did a shoot with former Swedish Big cialis 20m Brother contestant, Vanessa Lopez. This particular shoot was a delight, for the simple reason that Vanessa buy levitra on line was so much fun to work with. Joking around, not being afraid buy levitra on line to be a little silly and just being down-to-earth. It’s kind of a photographers dream because you can really capture some natural, candid shots. you’ve just been blogged by Ronnie D

Singer Songwriter Fredrik Lönngren

Last week we were asked to take a few shots for Swedish singer/songwriter, Fredrik Lönngren. He needed some new pics for his new website. It was also the first shoot we’ve done with straight-out-of-the-camera-jpgs using the Fuji XE-1. Snow was out and it was cold as hell so, we limited the outdoor stuff to canadian healthcare cialis a minimum. Started off by heading down to an abandoned railway tunnel in Skanstull, the entrance was boarded up but had a lot of fast levitra canadian pharmacy colourful graff covering it. Moving on to Centralen, I tried taking a shot that I have been thinking about for ages. Keeping […]