Magnus Bangnus – 36 Moments Welcome to 36moments Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:40:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64074391 Bananarama club @ Gallery 2.35:1, Berns Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:11:30 +0000 Every other Thursday the Crew of Bananarama Sthlm gets together to shoot off a deep house club and bring out all the weekday party people.  A friend of mine, David Günter, is one of the organizers and I came along at the last gig to capture the vibe of the buy cialis 5 mg night. The Dj’s that was running the show was David & Paavo, viagra without prescription sales Magnus Bangnus and Xifo Valencia. I’m a fan of the club and the mad music they bring to the table, and it makes the job as a photographer just hell fun. Stay tuned and keep your Thursday evenings […]

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